Watch a pupil Satoshi Ashifuji within the fantasy comedy hentai Namaiki Kissuisou e Youkoso begins to reside in a mansion named Kissuisou with two large tits attractive women and a tender loopy ghost Ibaraki. The principle woman is an excessively horny recreation trainer Mei. She is lovely and kind to Satoshi. Each different babe is a lifestyles guard Saki. She is strict alternatively has an excellent frame. Ibaraki claims to be a Goddess and takes care regarding the mansion Kissuisou. No one can see her except the owner and Satoshi. She wishes the facility of Kissuisou to makes use of it in each and every other global. On the other hand the mansion loses its energy on account of Satoshi should put his sperm in all girls in Kissuisou to upward thrust the facility. Watch Namaiki Kissuisou e Youkoso and make a decision if Satoshi may merely achieve his objective or no longer.